The following inmates are case with some form of equality issues or injustice within their case. Our member services unit works with a number of groups, local church or other prisons ministry programs to seek justice.  We only highlights persons with issues that are clear in nature, but overlooked based upon their lack of connection or other sources to resolve their matters. National Committee for Ex-offenders Equality works in partnership with the National Ecclesiastical Paralegal Services. Neither provide legal advise nor do we represent any member or client, in ay court of laws. We only support in social, educational, referral for legal or case research services. To learn more email

                                                                First Step Application Issues

21 U.S.C. 851 -This person was sentenced to 300 months in Federal prison. Has he been awarded the changes made in the application of Section 851 of Title 21, within the United States Codes. He would be home with his family. He would serving only 120 month. This person was sentence in the Western District of Kansas Federal Court, by the Honorable Gary A Fenner, United States District Judge Appointed by

First Step Act of 2028 Application (updates) 3/8/24

21 U.S.C. 851 -Four person (s) who was sentenced to life in Federal person are now released.  The life was supportive by a completed Suspended imposition of Sentence (SIS) in Missouri State Court in 1993. Has he been awarded the changes made in the application of Section 851 of Title 21, within the United States Codes. He would be home today. He would serving no more than 300 month. This person was sentence in the Eastern District of Missouri Federal Court by the Honorable charles R. Shaw, (Ret/late/Beloved) United States District Judge Appointed by

Current Sentence Issues

New Case -This person is currently facing more the ten term years within the federal system up completion. He is under a term of Federal supervision and was arrested in another state for drug related. The problem with this matter is the agents misconduct surrounding the application of law and the warrant seeking within this matter.

National Prisons & Other issues

Missouri Application of 589.400-4

This person was is currently  under a Judgement from the 21st Judicial Court in Saint Louis County Missouri. His sentence to Life (15, Life, 7 CC) Registration Required - Current Cycle Life Supervision based upon the charge of CHILD MOLESTATION - 1ST DEGREE; ENTICE/ATTEMPT ENTICE CHILD (ACTOR; FAIL REG AS SEX OFFENDER. The equality issues is the evidence used within the case was not applied in an equality manner.

Missouri State Parole Issue

This person is serving a life time upon Missouri within the community. His sentence was more than 40 years ago and he has made a number of changes within life, but wasn't given anything upon release and is on parole for a term of life for an alleged murder. His equality is civic and civil rights within the community. He is a member-official in the CFEOE.

Should you, a member or our local chapter have an highlight to present, please feel free in emailing us with the following;

  •  Person name,
  • Membership# (if a member),
  •  Court of Sentence,
  •  Current Place of Housing,
  •  Your contact information,
  •   A short note of the case.

 You can email this information to  and our team will reach out to them or within a time after review.


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  • Paralegal Services

  • Attorney Referral

  • Member Services

Annual Day
  • Letter to Congress & Others on your behalf